Customer Testimonials
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Customer Testimonials

We know that your main concern lies in the integrity of the companies you do business with. Especially with internet-based businesses, it is often difficult to determine the true values and goals of your supplier. Here you will find Puget System’s customer testimonials. Entries from our customers are not restricted, and are audited only for inappropriate content. It is our goal to give you a clear picture of our service and product quality, straight from the mouths of our customers. We appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, that you have!

In addition to our own testimonials below, you can read about customer experiences with Puget Systems at other major review websites:

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Christian Criswell

Legacy Testimonial: 756

My shopping experience with Puget Systems has to be among the best, if not THE best, I have had so far.

Starting with the availability and helpfulness of the sales/customer service clerk to receiving the finished product, I found nothing to complain about. Quite the opposite, I was amazed at what a pleasure it was.

I took some time figuring out what I wanted in my computer system. Shortly after I saved my configuration to make some minor changes later, I received a very unintrusive e-mail from one of Puget System’s customer service clerks, offering help should I need it. Over the next few days he seemed available for my questions, no matter what time of day I contacted him. He gave me some valuable alternatives to components I had selected, sometimes suggesting a cheaper but better part.

After placing my order, I was able to constantly track how far the assembly of my PC had processed and look at the system’s benchmarks.

Once it shipped, I not only received an e-mail about the estimated delivery, but also photos of the finished PC. Oh, those teasers at Puget Systems!

Upon delivery I once again was amazed at how perfect everything was. The PC was everything I expected and more. I runs smoothly and extremely quietly. I also received excellent documentation and great system tools along with the restore DVD.

I’m sure my friends and coworkers are tired already of how I cannot stop praising Puget Systems. I honestly cannot picture me purchasing a PC anywhere else in the future.

Mark Adelman

Legacy Testimonial: 755

this company stands behind it’s products more than anyone i have ever dealt with and i have had machines built by the best of the top tier niche builders out there. 13 months after the fact the owner Jon Bach made good on ram that had been discontinued (through no fault of Puget’s) on my i7 beast they built for me. I will swear by these guys they know what they are doing and in an industry that has magazines and web sites full of flash -bang ads with ridiculously in expensive prices i have but one thing to say “you get what you pay for” with Puget Systems.
i have personally been involved in a forum conversation where the owner offered to make something right from 3-4 years back to an owner… i have never experienced that before in any business and there is someone who believes in his c

Bruce Leander

Legacy Testimonial: 754

Puget Systems is a great company. I always describe them like a Dell 20 years ago. Dell has lost sight of customer service and quality. I found that at Puget. When my first computer arrived from Puget and I pulled it out of the box you could immediately tell the difference. It weighed a ton. It must be made of metal rather than plastic. Weight feels like quality. I’ve also bought Dell and talked with technical people that spoke English as a second language. It was difficult. When I called Puget with an issue, I ended up speaking with the person that assembled my computer. Wow. They understand customer service. I hope they never turn into the current Dell. I’ll be buying my next computer from Puget. And then hopefully the one after that. I rate them a 10 out of 10.

Ronny Geenen

Legacy Testimonial: 753

Hi William, Daniel, Richard and Jeff,

I want you to tell my experience, as a retired engineer, with you during the process of ordering, building, receiving and helping me with the setup of my new computer.

I first did a research over the internet how others reviewed Puget and after that I checked several parts and how they has been reviewed by others like PC magazine.
The result was amazing who good Puget is.

I am now a Realtor for almost 24 years and I understand the process of customer service.
My first contact was with William and I felt right very comfortable with you. You was very relaxed and easy to speak with. All the questions were answered with some explanation and with patience. You have also a willing ear, which I think is very important. I remember our conversation regarding W7 64bit or 32bit. I want to go with 32bit, because the Real Estate industry told me so. You told me that W7 Professionals will let me work with a virtual XP, if needed. I am glad I took the 64bit version.
Thank you for all the help.

After I received the computer in the wonderful box, which I saved, I myself encounter some problems with the new parts that I have bought somewhere else to connect to your computer. During that period I had via costumer support conversations with Jeff, Daniel and I think also with Richard.
It amaze me that you all have the same attitude in advising, answering and listening to a person on the other side of the phone.
The way you handle this is an example for a lot of other companies.
Your way of doing business is the only way to build a successful organization.

Yes, the computer is a great tool for me and it really match with the two Samsung monitors, the two speakers Creative T20 and the wireless keyboard and mouse from Microsoft.

I Have told some of my buddies already about

Kirk M. Rogers

Legacy Testimonial: 752

Puget Systems demonstrates in practice the business model all firms of this type attempt to emulate and rarely achieve… Certainly one could find less expensive pricing or build a system yourself, but among other attributes their expertise and experience adds value to their products and to you as the end user. Upon receipt and working with my recent order, a system designed to aid photographic efforts working with large composite files in Photoshop and supporting software, I recognized the changes discussed with William in sales were greatly beneficial. Much to my surprise, William provided recommendations that in the in result reduced what I thought was required realizing a savings of twenty percent below my projected budget. The first time I opened a 1.2GB image file and had it display in three seconds I knew the advice was sound… My experience with Puget Systems was excellent and exhibited their professionalism and conscientious practices throughout in all phases from ordering, build to delivery. I have little doubt your experience will differ – these folks are first rate.

Dan V.

Legacy Testimonial: 751

I almost ordered a plain vanilla desktop system from a large PC company, but now I am VERY happy that I ordered from Puget Systems. I had ordered a custom-made computer previously, from another vendor, but was very unsatisfied with the result – graphics cards had to be replaced multiple times, software and hardware did not operate compatibly, etc. That company clearly did not put much effort into producing a good product and helping their customers avoid problems.

In contrast, I could not have asked for better customer support from Jeff Stubbers and the rest of the Puget team. My questions regarding parts and configuration options were answered very rapidly, and they provide all the information and advice you need to help you choose from different options. Unlike some places that refuse to acknowledge any shortcomings in any computer parts, the Puget website advised me of the pros and cons of the various graphics cards I was contemplating. One part I wanted was not currently available, but Jeff kept me updated regularly regarding its status and gave me options for replacing it if I so chose.

The flawless operation of the PC from the day I took it out of the box reflects the level of testing applied to ensure everything worked together. I am also impressed by the way all the documentation, product keys and other vital information is assembled and provided in a handy binder – no more misplaced product keys! In addition, my Puget system came *without* any of the seemingly mandatory junk software that infests products purchased from the large manufacturers.

I cannot imagine purchasing a computer from any other vendor now. I got the high-performance, cool-running and VERY quiet computer I needed, and Jeff and his associates made the process virtually painless.

David Franklin

Legacy Testimonial: 750

I am not a gamer, but a very small business owner who requires the near fastest pc possible for photo/retouching/graphics/video work every time I upgrade or add a computer for my work. The system I recently had Puget build for me was precisely what I wanted and is delivering just what I need.

This is exactly (except for some spelling error changes) what I wrote at, and is how I perceive your comapany:

“My whole experience with Puget Systems in their advising, ordering, building, notifying, detailing, delivering, packaging, and quality of both the build itself and the components with which it was accomplished, have been the best of any computer company with which I have ever dealt.

The effort they put in, the personal responsibility for every step of the process, is outstanding. Since my computer was perfect “out-of-the-box”, I have no experience as of yet with their repair department or customer service after the sale, but, from all my encounters so far, I expect it to be very good indeed.

Over the past 26 years, I have ordered dozens of computers from a combination of Apple, Dell, HP, local and internet retailers, and several good local “white box” companies, and this is the best buying experience I have had to date. On top of all the extra time and quality they put into their build process, their prices were excellent. For instance, had I even been able to buy a replica of my new computer from Dell or HP (not even possbile because of their generally lower quality parts, less diverse component list and smaller base of build options from which to choose), it would have most likely cost at least 10-20% more money and be loaded with the usual bogus software crap, useless try-outs and other intrusive add-ons that I’d only have to work to remove. And, for a relatively low cost producer, their confidence-building client reporting techniques and actual quality output are impressive and unmatched by any other company I’ve dealt with in the past.

As you might already have assumed from the above, I give Puget Systems the highest ratings I can for an internet (or, for that matter, brick & mortar) custom computer builder and highly recommend them to anyone else looking for a custom PC.”

Michael Stern

Legacy Testimonial: 749

My first custom computer, and a pleasure all the way. Beautifully built, exactly as ordered; and the follow-up support I needed was pleasant and totally helpful. I am a very happy customer.

Vladimir Horwitz

Legacy Testimonial: 748

The team at Puget did a very good job. Wilson Chau knew his stuff. He was good at communicating with me and answering my many emails and questions. He had explinations for everything that I asked, and he was responsive to my concerns.
The ordering of parts and assembly were timely, considering that I made changes to my order two times.
I was impressed by the work the Puget put into my computer with all of the tests that they did.
Good work to every one who worked on my computer.
Five stars to Wilson for keeping up with my emails.

Eric Neyman

Legacy Testimonial: 747

Simply one of the best consumer experiences I have ever had. Jeff was quick and helpful with all my questions. I was informed on the entire process. The box has only been up for a few hours, but everything seems great. Thank you Puget!