Customer Testimonials
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Customer Testimonials

We know that your main concern lies in the integrity of the companies you do business with. Especially with internet-based businesses, it is often difficult to determine the true values and goals of your supplier. Here you will find Puget System’s customer testimonials. Entries from our customers are not restricted, and are audited only for inappropriate content. It is our goal to give you a clear picture of our service and product quality, straight from the mouths of our customers. We appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, that you have!

In addition to our own testimonials below, you can read about customer experiences with Puget Systems at other major review websites:

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Cameron Voss
Eugene, Oregon

Legacy Testimonial: 829

I ordered a custom built computer for my Computer Repair / IT services business “Eugene Computer Geeks”, and couldn’t be more pleased with Puget Systems. The customer service is top-notch and the sales rep. helped me with selecting the right parts that matched my needs. The computer is my favorite custom built PC I’ve ever used or owned. It fits my needs in everyway, and will suggest Puget Systems to all my friends and clients that are interested in order a custom-built PC. Thanks Puget Systems



Legacy Testimonial: 828

I purchased my newest desktop computer from Puget Systems last November. I can’t remember how I heard of Puget. I just knew intuitively when I logged on to their web site that this shop was the one I’d been looking for.
William George was very helpful at deciphering my rambling comments on what I wanted in a computer. I’ve owned and upgraded computers since the 1980’s. Presently I have a Toshiba laptop, a Kindle, Kindle Fire, and a desktop. My Sony desktop was showing its age and limitations. I needed a desktop because I’m doing a lot of video rendering, converting dozens, if not hundreds of VHS tapes, and Mini-DV tapes to DVD. I’m also publishing photo books for my family members and scanning thousands of color slides and color negatives as well as black and white negatives. I discussed with William whether or not a Spirit would be sufficient for my needs. He offered help in a most impartial way, suggesting upgrades where they would really speed and make my work easier. He also mentioned that my present printer/scanner would be compatible with my new machine, something I hadn’t even thought about.
After a few emails and a couple of weeks I put in my order for a Spirit. It was fun to see the reports of progress and the pictures of what Puget was putting together for me. The computer arrived in its double packaging. What a great idea and I did follow the advice to save this packaging in case I might need it later.
What is amazing about the Spirit is that I have to look at the lights to make sure it is on. I can’t believe how quietly it runs. Sony has great computers, but the one I had was quite noisy. It’s truly amazing.
Everything worked from the beginning. The only problems were some software issues which support quickly took care of for me each time. I just have a feeling that someone at Puget is concerned about each issue. In comparison to some of the large computer makers like Dell or HP I actually know many of the staff at Puget through the emails and correspondence. One of the most amazing things happened shortly after I got the machine and wanted to start video work. I had requested and even waited an extra couple of days when I ordered to make sure I got a tower which had an IEEE port on the front. I needed that if I was going to use my Sony Mini-DV Camcorder or my Canopus AV-DV converter for my VHS tapes. Having the port on the front would make the work so much easier. What I hadn’t realized was that IEEE ports have different sized connectors and my old Sony cable wasn’t going to work. I looked up a few sellers on the Web and sent an email to Puget about which cable they would recommend. I remember there were several possibilities and a particular cable was considerably less in cost. From all the recommendations it seemed as if this manufacturer had good ratings, but I wanted to make sure. How surprised I was to receive, I believe on a Sunday afternoon, an email from Jon Bach saying that he agreed with me and I should have no trouble with the cable. That’s a prime example of the kind of support one can expect from Puget. It’s been seven months and my videos have transferred flawlessly. I can’t imagine the President of Dell or HP sending me anything.
I am most happy to endorse and recommend Puget for anyone wondering about a new purchase or a computer upgrade. I have not been disappointed and I don’t believe you will be either.

Andrew Lyons
Santa Fe, NM

Legacy Testimonial: 827

So far, so good! Machine is clearly made with quality in mind, and at a very fair price. I couldn’t be happier.

Quinton Borchardt

Legacy Testimonial: 826

Ordered my computer a few months ago. The process of configuring the computer was painless. Jeff was able to answer all my questions, and pointed me in the right direction. A few accessories I purchased elsewhere, but for the tower itself, they did an incredible job. When I opened up the case to remove some packaging (the CPU cooler is HUGE), I couldn’t see any cables. They also prepped an extra hard drive bay (per request). I finally got the computer to sweat a little, but that was encoding HD video (BTW, it rendered, encoded, and burned an hour long DVD movie in about half an hour). An incredible upgrade over my old system. They also have excellent post-sales support. I have only had to ask one or two questions, and they promptly responded. Kudos, Puget!

SA Wellington

Legacy Testimonial: 825

Fabulous! I have had my custom-built computer for a couple of months and have loved every minute of using it. I had been researching computers for many, many months, but just couldn’t find the one that suited me. I reviewed computer ratings, magazines, and websites, but just wasn’t satisfied. I even thought about building my own. And, then it dawned on me…a custom build. I knew it would be more expensive, but it was/is WELL worth every penny. The Puget Systems process is like none I’ve ever seen before. From the moment I went on the website, working with the support staff to select my system, placing the ordering, following the building/shipping process, receiving it and setting it up. I have yet to be disappointed with my decision. Would I do it again? Absolutely!!! Thank you Pugets Systems for making this experience a great one.

Preston Birdwell
Columbia, California

Legacy Testimonial: 824

My Puget Systems computer celebrated its first birthday this month, and I am happy to say that it runs as reliably today as it did the first time I powered it up. This is a testament to the quality of the parts, and more importantly to the care exercised by the great folks at Puget Systems who so expertly assisted me with my configuration, assembled, tested, and packaged my system.

Here’s what sold me, though: The personal, and very personable service I received from the time I created a quote, to this day. I recently installed a SSD as my OS drive. I asked a couple of questions on the Puget Systems discusssion forum and was delighted when my questions were answered by William George in a straighforward manner with none of the hype one often hears elsewhere. A few days later, when I ordered the drive, again from Puget, I called their office with a billing question. Guess who answered my call? It was William! I believe I can say with certainty that you won’t have such a thing happen elsewhere! Second case: I posted another question about partitioning a drive. I received a reply from Wilson, my sales rep, and from Jon Bach, Puget’s president. Where else in the tech world would a customer receive direct help from the company president? (Fill in the blank, here ______ )

In essence, the staff at Puget Systems truly care about their customers and go the extra mile to meet our needs. Not only do they help at the beginning of the vendor/ customer relationship, they stay by your side for the long haul!

I highly recommend Puget Systems, and I will, for sure, be purchasing my next system from them because I know I will receive a high-quality computer backed by truly excellent customer service.

Ed Okie

Legacy Testimonial: 823

Continued amazement in what seems like an air and era of indifference to customer service… Puget Systems sets the benchmark – from personnel (plus personal) service, to product delivered.
Vividly illustrated by today’s problem-child software seemingly without a known fix: Adobe’s LightRoom 4. Slow and erratic operation. “Is it my workstation at fault… or is it the software?”
The comparative of Puget to corporate Adobe requires a slight leap of imagination, but the difference is real, vivid.
Adobe’s inevitable “silence” on software design problems – it is legendary: never admit anything. Reflective of a “twisted corporate culture” from my perspective.
Whereas, if, or when there’s a question posed to Puget – the answer is forthcoming, or evokes a response, “I don’t know, let me see if I can find an answer and a solution.”
How refreshing! Almost quaint.

Jerry N King
Fort Wayne, In (originally)

Legacy Testimonial: 822

In my 67 years I’ve purchased far too many goods and services to fully recall, but the really awful experiences, and the especially good ones you never forget. I can honestly say that when I selected Puget to build my computer, a whole new catagory was created for me: Best Buying Experience Ever! It began when I placed my order with William. His excellent advice resulted in a less costly, but much better configuration for my needs. Then came the real time progress reports from all the folks that do the voodoo that you do so well. I received my handsome grey box yesterday. Wow! It has assumed its place as my second most prized possession, right behind “Big Red”, my cherished 2002 Subaru WRX. Now if I can just put 225,000 trouble free miles on “Big Grey”.. 😉 But seriously, I want to thank you for your lovely work, and for proving that pride in a job well done, still exists.

Cory Miller

Legacy Testimonial: 821

Honestly, You guys have some of the best personal I know. I asked for a deadline to be met due to myself leaving to training for the Marine Corps and you succeeded… Just the fact that you care that much of your product as well as your customers is amazing to me. I am glad to say I came to your company for my Laptop configuration, and I will be spreading the name with the up most respect and gratitude. Thank you.

Greg Matley
Portland, OR

Legacy Testimonial: 820

All I can do is echo the high praises in the testimonials preceding mine that led me to buy my Puget Systems Spirit PC. End-to-end, Puget Systems is a 10. The great stories about the old days in the service station, expert staff helping with configuration like an expert friend would, the build, testing, shipping, packaging, tracking, the documentation binder, the support, and of course the best PC I ever owned. It all happens like you think it should, but doesn’t anywhere else. Some testimonials say spending the extra money was worth it, and it is, for sure, but I don’t know that I spent that much extra. The bigger vendors want around $300 for less support than Puget Systems includes in the price, so what extra money? Puget Spirit PC Design, construction, delivery and support: out of the box for less than 15 minutes, all my old peripherals worked and the PC was running, but the monitor was “greyscale.” I was a little confused, having never encountered this before, so I clicked a shortcut that was on my desktop and, blam!, I was IMing Puget, William diagnosed a loose connection I had made in my haste to get things going, which I fixed. A little embarassing, but, everything has been great since then. I’m sure the same kind of thinking that went into making that IM contact available before I was fully up and running, just in case, went into the PC design as well. I highly recommend Puget Systems PCs!