Customer Testimonials
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Customer Testimonials

We know that your main concern lies in the integrity of the companies you do business with. Especially with internet-based businesses, it is often difficult to determine the true values and goals of your supplier. Here you will find Puget System’s customer testimonials. Entries from our customers are not restricted, and are audited only for inappropriate content. It is our goal to give you a clear picture of our service and product quality, straight from the mouths of our customers. We appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, that you have!

In addition to our own testimonials below, you can read about customer experiences with Puget Systems at other major review websites:

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Kamala Clark-Swanson
Seattle, WA

Legacy Testimonial: 1012

I am the IT manager for a group that does hardcore simulations of brain tumors. I need serious hoursepower and great graphics.
Puget Systems is by far the best tech company I have ever known of and had the great pleasure to work with! I personally guarantee you that once you have worked with them, you will never purchase a serious computer anywhere else. And the support staff really knows their stuff. They have never failed me, and I ask some oddball questions! If I every move back to Washington, I would love to work there!
Thank you for all you do!!!

Lee D
Southern Ct

Legacy Testimonial: 1011

Discovered Puget Systems on an internet search looking for options for a new computer. The market has changed since the last time I needed to make a purchase. After talking to the big three computer vendors for configuration options, I discovered that product knowledge and options have diminished, and sales reps quotes with contact information never arrived. Messages sent were never returned. It feels like if they don’t make a sale on the initial call, it’s on the next inquiry. Puget Systems (Jeff) showed me there are companies still trying to do the best they can with providing products and service for a customer. There was never any pressure about making a sale, it was always about making a good decision. Very happy to have made the purchase, and feel confident that if an issue ever arises, they will be there with an equal level of support.

charles zehnder

Legacy Testimonial: 1010

It was time to replace my woefully underpowered computer so I did the usual – checked reviews for consumer machines on Amazon, did internet research, checked the box stores, etc. I had no confidence that any of the machines that I found would be powerful enough to handle workstation CAD graphics – everything was geared towards gaming boxes – and I knew from past experience that customer support from the ‘big guys’ is lackluster, to say the least.

After doing some more digging online I found Puget Systems and didn’t intend (at first) to do anything more than spec out a machine; once I start doing so, I realized that these guys (and gals) REALLY know their business. Within an hour I had an email suggesting changes to my spec’d machine – changes that reduced the price of the system without compromising performance. At that point I knew I was going to buy from Puget. You know that slimy feeling you get from salespeople sometimes when you are considering a purchase? This was exactly the OPPOSITE of that – every interaction I had, the only feeling I ever got was, how do we get you the system you want?

I ended up ordering. I needed my machine to arrive on a specific day of the week when someone was at home to sign for the package. No problem whatsoever. As the box was built, it was great to see the build documented online. When my machine arrived, the box was GIGANTIC. Inside were foam supports, and a second box cradled inside the first box. There was no way this thing got hurt in transit, even if the UPS driver was feeling feisty. Seriously, the packaging was way beyond adequate, it was how I would pack a delicate piece of art.

Setup – easy as could be, and my machine is seriously fast. In the past I would check the mail, get a cup of coffee, or similar while the system loads up. Not anymore, there just isn’t enough time to do more than send a text.

I did have the slightest hiccup. After a few hours of running my system, the graphics card started getting wonky with running two monitors – it would run one, or the other, but not both simultaneously. I got in touch with Puget Systems and they remotely accessed my system with a few clicks on my end. They helped me troubleshoot the problem – which turned out to be a problem with the high-end graphics card I ordered. Obviously, you don’t want that to happen, but if it does, you want Puget to be the person that sold you your machine. My tech support guy had a new card out to me that day, with profuse apologies (even though it wasn’t Puget’s fault – the problem only appeared hours after the system was running and therefore it couldn’t have shown up during their extensive stress testing). I knew I had made the right choice as I imagined the tech calls to India I would have endured if I had had the same card issue with one of the big guys. Needless to say all my future machines will be from Puget. I could not recommend them more highly.

Incidentally, when I was installing the replacement card, I had a chance to look inside the (huge) machine they sent me. Everything was neat as a pin, the cables all neatly tied off, everything as ship shape as a Swiss watch. I am very impressed. Kudos to all – Charlie Zehnder

Daniel Lopacki
Southwest New Mexico

Legacy Testimonial: 1009

I have been having my computers custom built for at least twenty years. When it came time for me to have a new graphics computer built I went to my old company and found that they did not offer exactly what I was after. I did a quick search and found Puget systems.

Puget Systems seemed to really have it together regarding the various system type builds they offer. I went to the graphics computers and did a trial build, after this I exchanged email with Eric Brown regarding the machine and with his help we put together what I will call my dream machine. I went ahead and ordered the machine on 5-14 they built the machine and shipped on 5-16.

I got the machine about ten days ago and wanted to play with it for awhile prior to leaving these comments. The machine runs like a banshee and is so fast it amazes me every time I do something on it. The quality of all components is the best and Puget Systems customer service is what you expect out of a top rate company.

Rhino3D with Brazil is my main design software and it works better than I ever thought I would see.

If your building a new system I highly recommend you buy from Puget Systems.

Daniel Lopacki


Legacy Testimonial: 1008










Gary White

Legacy Testimonial: 1007

Had my i7 6 core machine running solid at 98% for a week now, and working great. The machine arrived with a lot of the setup completed, so I only had to add some of the licensed software I use, plus some of the freeware I normally install. The video tape Puget sent was helpful, and the phone call to check that all was working properly appreciated. I also really appreciated the web site that allowed me to view progress on constructing the machine.

I was after a super PC, and found it.

Rick Baker

Legacy Testimonial: 1006

After thinking about getting a new PC for almost a year (pending XP’s doom), I looked at many PC companies. I did consider the Big box stores, office stores etc., and even some of the popular PC makers. Over the years, I’ve learned that most often, even though these other PC makers tout the main benefits of their systems, there is always something they omit to tell you or lacking thereof; like 4 slots for RAM, and they fill all four; so you have to loose RAM to add more RAM; or a mega sized HDD, but a poor power supply. When I came across an article online about Puget, mentioning their very low failure rate on the components used in the PCs; this greatly sparked my interest. I also wanted to get something better than I have had in the past, and more towards a ‘gaming’ type PC; even though I play no games. I just emailed Puget with what I was looking to run on it, and my budget, and they set me up with a link to a system to fit my budget; then I just tweaked a couple options to suit me; and ordered.

I ordered the Spirit system along with a 17″ Laptop. Both have an SSD drive with larger HDD drive. I must say, paired with Windows 8.1, it is so fast; boots up in less than 30 seconds. An SSD is the best option to add. I also added a card to add 4 more USB outlets on the back; since we have several printers and a postage scale; and those 4 to 1 USB adapters just lead to issues; so I’m happy I added that item.

I did have a few issues with Windows 8.1 after installing some programs, but after identifying it; the issue was resolved. I did contact Puget, and they stuck with me all the way until my issues were resolved. It was nothing Puget could have done differently; it was software based issues; but they would email suggestions, offered to do remote desktop; even called me to see how things were going and if the issues were resolved. Very happy with the attention they gave me. I really felt my money spent was appreciated.
With that said, I would recommend if you are installing somewhat old software (even if Microsoft says it’s compatible), create a system restore point before installing each program. After install of each program, make sure you can open the apps in Metro, and open the Windows Store app. If those work, you should be good to install the next program. My issue revolved around an old printer driver, and CorelDraw X3; which says compatible on MS Website, but it’s not. So, do the restore point’s.

The Spirit system is very quiet, didn’t need the other model that is pretty much silent; this one is very quite. The Spirit case is larger than you might expect. I have room so it’s not a big deal, but you may want to note the size before buying a Spirit if space is an issue. I also like this case’s filters on the removable front grill, and slide out bottom filter under the power supply. Both easy to remove and clean.

As far as windows 8. Many articles saying how people hate it. Well, I debated a lot whether to get Windows 7, or not. Since I will eventually have to learn Windows 8 anyway; I reluctantly chose Windows 8. Even when I first got this PC; I wondered if I made the right choice. Well, I got mine with 8.1 and since the major update in early April 2014, the desktop mode is pretty much just like Windows 7 anyway; and operates so fast when paired with the SSD drive. I think of it as Desktop mode for work, Metro for play. Windows 7 is several years old already and felt the security alone was worth going with Windows 8.

Feel free to email me your questions. Very happy I found Puget Systems.

OS, California

Legacy Testimonial: 1005

I have purchased and built many computers through the years. This time when I started looking to buy a new computer, I was again thinking of building it myself. My extensive search on the Internet gave many options for purchasing parts and/or having it customized or custom built.

I am “allergic” to noise, and wanted a computer that was as SILENT as possible and with top notch PERFORMANCE. My search led me to Puget Systems, a company I had never heard about before. So I did my due diligence and researched the company. I found loads of comments and reviews about the company, and close to 100% of them were bragging about how good this company is!!!

I started to “configure” my computer on their site, saved it so I could go back to it and make changes, which I did during several weeks, to make sure I got the configuration I needed.
During this process, I received a prompt email from Wilson Chau at Puget Systems, offering his assistance in reviewing my configuration and answering any questions I may have.
I had some concerns, and Wilson immediately replied and took care of all issues I brought up.
I sent him an email late at night one day – and within minutes, I had his reply.
Then I sent him an email very early morning next day – and again he replied within minutes. This guy never sleeps, LOL.

After placing the final order, I could literally watch online as the computer was built, the progress, who was working on it, and when it was done. Very cool!

The computer arrived exactly as scheduled, and the first thing I noticed, was the incredible thorough packaging. Absolutely top notch care!

The second thing I noticed after opening the computer and looking inside, was how incredible well put together and organized everything was, how nicely the cables were organized, how thoughtful the sound dampening material was applied etc. etc. There were nothing I could point to – that could have been done better or nicer!
Top notch assembly!

Today I am the happy owner of a brand new Serenity Mini, with Intel Core i7-4770k and Samsung 840 Pro SSD.
The computer is very fast, and it is absolutely quiet!
I sit next to it, but I cannot hear it running!

I will recommend Puget Systems to ANYONE looking to buy a new computer.
When you buy QUALITY – you will never regret, and you can enjoy for as long as you have your machine.

Thanks to all the people at Puget Systems – who built and handled my computer!

OS, California

Russel Trahan

Legacy Testimonial: 1002

First off I have a pretty good amount of past experience in building my own desktop computers. I’ve come to expect top performance and top reliability in the finished product with the security of knowing the quality that went into the build.

Im currently a 100% disabled veteran after a life career in the Army and 4 tours in Iraq and I haven’t the patience nor the steady hands anymore to build my own computer. My last one which was my first prebuilt was a high end store bought brand that left much to be desired!

I decided to look online for a custom build where I could choose what I wanted in my finished computer. I spent countless hours and many nights researching all the various companies that do this to include all the so called custom gaming computer sites with high end components. I began to have a lot of second thoughts and considering taking on the build myself! Because of the lack of experience, quality control, possible refurbished parts and assembly line techniques most online custom computer companies used I couldn’t live with myself investing my hard earned money in any of them.

After crossing nothing but positive reviews on Puget Systems I decided to take a look and discovered something much different than all the other sights. A company that made quality control and attention to detail to the client’s needs priority number one! Puget is a company that displayed an attitude of caring more about what the client is getting rather than bogus monthly sales on the newest gaming computer or coin mining hyped systems like most of the other sites.

I had them build me one and before the computer even left there shipping dock because of their dedication to keep the customer informed on every step of the build I had a confidence that every penny spent was a worthy investment. Now that I have it at home in use to say my expectation where met would be an understatement. Puget Custom Computers is as professional as you can get in this business and the quality of the build is literally a work of art. I only wish other specialty companies could be this serious about their product and care about loyalty to the customer like Puget does!

Plain and simple if you want a custom computer that you can count on and know your investment was a good sound one then have Puget Systems build It! You won’t be disappointed and you have a true professional quality company that guarantees to back you up!”

Royce Bishop
Dallas, TX

Legacy Testimonial: 1001

I recently made my first purchase, a “Genesis I” from Puget Systems and I could not have made a better choice for both a computer and a company to build it. This review is not about a computer because you can go buy each and every piece of my computer and build it yourself saving you a little bit of money. No this review is about one amazing company that gives you impeccable customer service backed by first class craftsmanship and service which all lead to priceless peace of mind.

In this day and age one of the biggest things that has been lost is true personal customer service. In the not so distant past you could buy something and know that it was put together by someone that cared about the product. Their job and livelihood depended on it and it is what set this country apart from the rest of the world. No it was not always the least expensive and for good reason, you pay for what you get, it takes more time to do something right, period. Puget Systems is one of those companies that thrives and survives on the philosophy of producing the best product they can.

Now I am an old school computer guy and I have built some serious workstations over the years but it has been a while since I built my last computer and as you know technology passes you by in a day let alone a few years. I began the process by emailing Puget a brief bio of my current workstation. I went into detail about how and why I had things setup the way I did and that I needed those concerns addressed with any new system.

What I wrote about and the processes I had done to my system come from a different time and era in computers and I had serious doubts that I would even get a person that knew what I was talking about. Man, was I ever surprised. William responded to each of my concerns and knew exactly where I was coming from. He respectfully explained why and how things were these days and made me feel confident I was dealing with a true computer technician with years of experience.

Then I called William to speak about a few of the things we were discussing. Your read that right, you can call them and a real person, even the one you were emailing, will answer. He asked questions and learned about what I did and what I needed and provided me with real world solutions. He even talked me out of upgrading certain things because they would not benefit me. That means he was not just trying to reach in to my pocket and take all the money he could because in the end that would have been wrong and bad business. Oh trust me, I wanted that top of the line graphics card but there was no reason for it based on the work I was doing. That is a true sign of a company putting the customer first before profit.

Puget is also totally transparent when it comes to their parts and pricing. I got my estimate and then took the time to pull each and every part based on the part number listed right on the Puget website to compare and see exactly how much I was paying for their services. It was no more or less than I would expect from anyone who takes real time to do the job right.

What is “the job being done right” you ask? Well this is where Puget shines and sets themselves apart from the rest of the competition. They have a log that is updated in real time from the moment you make your purchase till the time your computer leaves the building. From the person ordering or picking the parts to each part or software being installed and tested. The testing alone is worth your money, at which point do you have the time or the equipment to test out on a work bench all of the parts as you install them and if it is not up to spec they get another one. That is amazing to me and gives me complete confidence in the product I am purchasing. Puget only uses the best products and it shows, the case is amazingly quiet and solid as a rock. Any over clocking is professionally done by experts who know what they are doing. Then comes the unbelievable packaging for shipment, I am still scratching my head over that one, it is quality through and through.

Nothing is ever perfect and it is not the problem that matters, but how someone deals with the problem. I received my computer and once I got it all setup I ran in to an issue. I was not happy with the sound card I had chosen. So I called Puget and they immediately shipped out the next higher priced one and shipped it to me at their expense and were going to cover the price difference. Are you kidding me? I ended up comparing the two of them and once I figured out what setting was off I kept the original one, still where do you find a company willing to do that these days? I’ll tell you, no where!

So yes, you could save a few dollars building one yourself or find a cheaper computer from another company but you will not find a better, more professional company to custom build a computer for you in the country.

Puget is worth the investment and worth your peace of mind. Feel free to contact me if you have concerns or questions but you should know before you contact me that I have drank the Kool-Aid and I am a diehard believer in Puget Systems.

Royce Bishop

Owner of Cubed Creations and Royce Bishop Photography