High Performance Workstation for Cinema 4D
If you need increased rendering performance, this system provides options for very high core counts as well as multiple video cards – making it ideal for both CPU- and GPU-based rendering engines.
For CPU-based rendering engines, like the one built into Cinema 4D, this workstation is equipped with AMD’s Threadripper processors that offer up to 64 cores – reducing render times tremendously compared to our Design & Animation system. Per-core performance is still good enough for smooth modeling and animation work as well.
For those doing GPU-based rendering instead, with Maxon Redshift or a similar plug-in, this workstation is also capable of utilizing multiple video cards. The performance boost from each additional card can greatly improve render speeds, and graphics cards with higher VRAM can handle larger and more complex scenes. Other aspects of Cinema 4D are also able to utilize powerful video cards, like the new Unified Simulation System for CPU-accelerated physics.
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