RealityCapture CPU Performance: AMD Threadripper 3990X 64 Core
AMD has launched a new top-end processor, equipped with a whopping 64 cores: the Threadripper 3990X. After extensive testing we are ready to report on how this new CPU performs in RealityCapture, compared to several of AMD and Intel’s other current desktop chips.
Pix4D 4.4 CPU Performance: AMD Threadripper 3990X 64 Core
AMD has launched a new top-end CPU in its Threadripper product line, equipped with a whopping 64 cores: the 3990X. In this article we are looking at how it stacks up to the other 3rd gen Threadripper models as well as Intel and AMD’s various other desktop processors.
DaVinci Resolve CPU performance: AMD Threadripper 3990X 64 Core
DaVinci Resolve may be known for its ability to utilize your GPU, but depending on your project, the CPU can actually be a bigger factor for performance. But even in these cases, is AMD’s new Threadripper 3990X with 64 cores overkill?
Premiere Pro CPU performance: AMD Threadripper 3990X 64 Core
More than most Adobe applications, Premiere Pro is able to make use of CPUs that have higher core counts. The new AMD Threadripper 3990X takes this to the extreme, however, with an incredible 64 cores. Will Premiere Pro be able to utilize all of these cores, or will the 3990X actually end up being slower than one of AMD’s more affordable options?
After Effects CPU performance: AMD Threadripper 3990X 64 Core
At the moment, After Effects typically only utilizes a handful of CPU cores, which makes the new AMD Threadripper 3990X, with a massive 64 cores, extreme overkill. But does that make the 3990X a bad option for After Effects, or will it surprise us by out performing the other mainstream CPUs offered by Intel and AMD.
Lightroom Classic CPU performance: AMD Threadripper 3990X 64 Core
Lightroom Classic contains a number of tasks that can leverage a decent number of CPU cores to improve performance. The new AMD Threadripper 3990X, with a massive 64 cores, should excel when exporting images in particular, but many applications see less and less benefit as you get into extremely high core counts. Will Lightroom be able to leverage all 64 cores, or is there no benefit to using the 3990X over a much less expensive CPU like the Threadripper 3960X?
Photoshop CPU performance: AMD Threadripper 3990X 64 Core
Due to the nature of how Photoshop works, a CPU with a high number of cores is rarely necessary to get the best performance. In fact, some applications can actually see a loss in performance with more CPU cores, which is why we are very interested to see how the new AMD Threadripper 3990X with 64 cores is able to run Photoshop.
Case Study with Belle & Wissell
Belle & Wissell is an independent design studio that was founded in 2003 by our Studio Principal, Gabe Kean. They are best known for their work creating interactive exhibits for museums, branded environments, and architecturally significant spaces.
Notes on “Notes” (new blog post format)
Starting 2020 off with an addition to my writing, “micro blogging” via GitHub Gists
What is the Best CPU for Photogrammetry (2019)
Picking the processor, or CPU, is one of the most important decisions when building or buying a workstation – but there are dozens of options to pick from at any given point, with varying specifications and price points, so making the right choice isn’t always clear-cut. We’ve tested all of the latest processors from Intel and AMD across three popular photogrammetry applications to help you know what the best choice is for your next system.