Why to Choose a Xeon

Despite Intel directing the Xeon processor line toward specific types of computers – primarily servers and workstations – there has been some confusion over when they are the appropriate choice versus a more mainstream processor. I’ve had gamers ask about Xeons because they thought they were more powerful, and likewise I have had businesses ask about running servers on Core i7 processors. So when does a Xeon make sense, and what do they really bring to the table?

The Perfect Operating System

The first computer I purchased arrived at my home with two operating systems: DOS and Windows 3.1. Most full-fledged programs ran in DOS, including nearly every game in the early 1990s. Besides pool, the game I played most during my college years was called Links Golf which ran in DOS. Without Links I’m convinced my GPA would be at least a half grade higher. I offset my Links addiction by installing WordPerfect for DOS which allowed me to write reports from home instead of the school’s computer lab