Did Windows 10 Suddenly Turn Black & White?


Have you been using your computer lately and, all of a sudden, Windows decides to show your entire display in black & white?  Lately, we’ve been receiving support cases from people reporting that their displays went from full color to black and white without warning.  We were not aware of any changes to Windows 10 until we started digging in a little further.

What Are Color Filters?

In Windows 10 build 16215, a new feature was added to the Ease of Access section of Windows called Color Filters. The intention was to include some features to make Windows easier to use for people with color blindness and light sensitivity.  This feature can be activated and will change the color of the entire desktop display and all running applications.

The Shortcut key is ⊞Win + Control + C, which is very close to the shortcut for copying text (Control + C).  

How to Change Color Filters

You can reach the settings by heading to: Settings > Ease of Access > Color & High Contrast as seen below

Settings screen

If Grayscale is not a color scheme you wish to use, there are other color schemes, such as Inverted, Grayscale Inverted, and more. 


In summary, if you accidentally triggered the color filters and turned your display black & white, it’s due to the new color filters feature.  It can be undone by pressing Windows Key + Control + C again. 

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