Coming from MacOS? Your Shortcuts Will Not Change Much

Welcome to Windows

Just like any step in to a new operating system, firing up windows for the first time can feel a little displacing.  Thankfully, actual navigation of Windows isn't too much different than MacOS.

Shortcut Keys

 MacOS Shortcut Windows Shortcut  Description of Action 
 Command ⌘-C CTRL-C Copy
 Command ⌘-A CTRL-A Select All items.
 Command ⌘-V CTRL-V Paste the contents of the Clipboard.
 Command ⌘-S CTRL-S Save the current document.


Quick Analysis

As you can see above, Windows and MacOS Shortcut keys are pretty similar, swapping the Command ⌘ key for the CTRL key in Windows.  One exception that I hear the most about, though, is the Command ⌘-Q shortcut.  This closes the currently open application in MacOS, but does not do the same in Windows.  Instead, you need to click on the "X" located in the upper-right corner of an application window (seen here on the right).


In Conclusion….

As we see more people converting to Windows, these questions come up more and more.  Some things in Windows run entirely different than in MacOS, but thankfully Shortcut keys are not one of them.  As we keep fielding these questions in Support, we will continue to post tips in our articles.

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