Assembly and Cabling

Assembly and Cabling

We have received a lot of praise here at Puget for the time and care we put into proper assembly of our computers. Within each workstation we build, components are positioned to avoid creating hot spots and to maximize cooling efficiency. We also take great care to run all the cabling so it does not restrict air flow, and so that it looks great if you ever need to open the system up and work on it!

Read what our customers have to say about our assembly and cabling!

Christopher Garza

Legacy Testimonial: 615

Wow! So far this has been perhaps the best customer service I’ve had in a long time. I was skeptical at first because Puget does not have the brand name recognition as others, but I’m truly convinced that this was the right choice. Every step of the way for my computer purchase was personalized and I really felt your attention to detail and customer satisfaction. This is an excellent company that has a very bright future! I will definitely recommend Puget to others.

Thanks a Ton!

Richard Stewart

Legacy Testimonial: 610

I needed a fast reliable computer for music recording. I use high quality outboard digital equipment and wanted a company that understood my needs. I googled and found Puget computers, I built a system and submitted it to be looked over by puget’s tech staff. I received a fast reply to my questions and the friendly tech person offered additional suggestions that I never thought about. The computer arrived very quickly and was packed like fine china.

The computer itself is pure art. Sleek, professional, fast, efficient and organized. Benchmark tests and included extra parts was not expected, the mark of a truly professional company. I would like to thank every person at Puget computers for their help, knowledge and building me a system that will give me years of quality service. You have earned a customer for life!

-Richard Stewart, New York


Legacy Testimonial: 607

I was fascinated with your business, from small one up to big, and bigger… continue the quality of your business…Thanks


Legacy Testimonial: 601

I am very happy with the whole experience of shopping, ordering, and receiving my new system. Excellent quality for very reasonable price. Can’t beat the customization choices.

Richard Stevens

Legacy Testimonial: 599

For the future, Puget will be my only pick for new systems. I browsed Google for hours searching for a company with a good background. I found and it convinced me to go with Puget.

I submitted a system for their review and William got back to me the next day with recommended changes. He did this even after I said I was thinking about a new system. The fact that Puget would assist a potential customer is awesome! I also got an upgrade to the Quad Core 2.4 free of charge due to an oversupply.

Additionally, William changed my system around and replaced a few parts with custom orders. I was impressed and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a new computer, whatever they need it for.


Legacy Testimonial: 588

Thank you William, Dan, Matthew, Dayna, Stacey, and whomever else had a hand in designing, building, and shipping my new system. {With the exception of William, I took all of your names from the “Status Update” and “Build Check-Off” tabs on my account page.} I’ve never played a contemporary computer game, I don’t really consider myself a “power user” and, in truth, I thought that spending $4000 on what is essentially a high end photo editing computer would leave me with a great deal of “buyer’s remorse.” I did it anyway (due in large part to the pre-sale support I received from William). Here’s my assessment: The anal-retentiveness – I mean no offense, but “if the shoe fits…” – of the build-quality and packaging is impressive; think high end audio gear. The machine makes so little noise, I actually crawled under my desk and held my head to the side of the case, just to make sure it was running. And it runs… Puget Custom Computers is fantastic. I think you need an “11” on your company rating. This one goes to eleven…

John Hattendorf

Legacy Testimonial: 585

Everything was perfect. Very nice, top notch components, helpful staff. They even upgraded my power supply from 380 watts to 600 watts free of charge. Sure, you could go get a Dell with what seems to be the same specs for a little cheaper but you get what you pay for. My next computer will be a Puget computer and I will reccomend these guys to everyone interested in purchasing a new custom system.

John Carpenter

Legacy Testimonial: 584

Yeah, am very glad my order (AMD “high-quality heatsink) was in stock and prepared for prompt pickup, very nice. I am disappointed though you chose to charge $13 for shipping an item via UPS that would not have been delivered to me any faster than regular FedEx, or regular US Mail for that matter. Now if all you charge is $13 for delivery of a whole computer, then I’d say that’s a very good rate, but for a single part though . . .


Legacy Testimonial: 574

Puget is the BEST COMPUTER I have ever owned and the support is OUTSTANDING! You can read my full review at My username at resellerratings is lj53. You can’t go wrong with Puget!

J Martin

Legacy Testimonial: 517

Buyer beware is all I can say… They started out really good, but as with all good companies these days they become “Corporatized” and the downhill trek begins. It starts with the words like “I’m sorry” then it ends with “too bad..” Dell was a good example of this phenomenon.. First they are honest and support is excellent, then they become technically “legal” then they outsource, then they start cooking the books… It’s hard to find good companies out there that are as good as this company was a couple years ago. So good luck, I’m going else where with future purchases.

Response from Puget: I am very sorry to hear that we have lost your future business. For the sake of other readers here, the problem is that for advance replacements of parts, we require a credit card to be submitted for security. It is not charged unless the part is not returned within 30 days. This customer took exception to what he viewed as a lack of trust and posted this feedback in response.

Read more testimonials from Puget Systems clients.