We test a lot of software here at Puget Systems, and in most cases what we are looking for is what hardware lets a given program run the fastest – or in some cases, what is the most cost effective. If you can get 95% of the best possible performance for half the price that it would cost to get a full 100%, for example, that is often a compelling way to go. However, ANSYS Mechanical (and FLUENT) present a different challenge: how can you get the best performance within the limitations of the ANSYS licensing model?
If Processors Were Cars
Around Puget Systems, I think it is pretty common knowledge that I can’t turn down a good comparison between PCs and automobiles. I talk about car branding, car service, car problems…I make a lot of analogies. I think it is because I appreciate cars, but I am definitely not an expert in that field. Making car analogies helps me see the PC industry from the outside…from the customer perspective.