There is a game in development I have been following for almost a year now, which I am extremely excited about. For anyone who was into PC gaming back in the 90s, the genius behind the Wing Commander series of games and Freelancer has returned to the game scene, to create the ‘best darn space simulator ever’: Star Citizen. It is a very ambitious project, entirely crowd-funded, with almost $44 million raised so far from its fanbase. I’ve contributed more than I would care to admit myself, alongside over 450,000 other ‘backers’.
– Free flight
– Single player vs waves of enemy swarms
– Multiplayer free-for-all
If you have ever enjoyed space-based video games, Star Wars movies, or sci-fi and gaming in general I would highly recommend checking this out! I will be doing some benchmark articles on the game's performance in the coming weeks, and likely another blog post as the game nears its full release in 2015/2016.