Picture of Richard Harmon

Richard Harmon

THEN: - before Puget -
Before Puget Systems my passion for computer technology saw me working as a sales floor supervisor at Best Buy consulting customers on computer hardware that would best suit their needs.

NOW: - here at Puget -
In the summer of 2015 Puget Systems presented itself to me and I found myself working as an assembly tech building computers from the ground up (a dream come true).

The first system that I built myself had a intel pentium core 2 CPU at 2.6 GHz with 4GB RAM and a Nvidia 8800GT video card. I still have the system up and operational. It is currently being used to play old games and is still great for emulators!

The idealistic computer for me would have alot of horse power, extremely loud, and killer looks. Some people like their cars, motorcycles or boats, I like a fast, sleek, and mean computer.

Because of my love for overclocking and increasing hardware performance from the stock values, any hardware test/monitoring software such as Asus GPU Tweak, RealTemp, AIDA64, Prime95, Asus realbench, etc. Also all that performance would mean nothing if you didn't have some cool games to test it on! Star Wars: Battlefront, Fallout 4, Star Citizen, and League of Legends are just a few that I really enjoy to play.

LIFE: - outside Puget's walls -
When I'm not at work or busy playing with computer hardware at home, I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter going on family outings to the ocean, mountain slopes, or even a good game of disc golf!

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