What Happened to High End Desktop (HEDT) Processors?

For several years, both AMD and Intel have offered five general categories of CPUs: Mobile, Consumer Desktop, High-End Desktop, Server, and Workstation. Something strange has been happening to the middle segment, though: HEDT processors are disappearing!

Webinar: Choosing the Right Hardware for Your Virtual Production Workflow

With the popularity of virtual production, many people are looking to build computer systems that are optimized for high-end video editing, compositing, and color work. However, the performance requirements of LED walls, green screen virtual sets, and motion capture can vary widely, depending upon the type of hardware being used and the complexity of the environment being built.

In this 45-minute webinar, Kelly will look into the optimal PC hardware for Virtual Production. He will discuss how the CPU, video card, RAM, and other components affect performance for LED Walls, green screens, and motion capture workflows.

Vū Studios Partners with Puget Systems

Puget Systems has entered into a strategic partnership with Vu Studios, a full-service video and virtual production studio based in Tampa, FL in a collaborative effort to drive standardization of virtual production hardware for the industry. The two companies have also entered into an agreement naming Puget Systems as the preferred workstations provider for all Vu Studios facilities across the country.


Partnership with Phil Holland

Phil Holland is a Director and Cinematographer based out of Los Angeles, California. With a passion for high quality compelling motion picture content and a keen interest in state of the art technology Phil has shot exclusively in the 4K and 4K+ arena for several years. In 2016 he went “all 8K” and has since been a pioneer on that new visual frontier.