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Reflecting on 2022

It’s important to take a step back to celebrate your accomplishments and all that you achieved this year. Otherwise, you’re likely to just jump into the next project (and the next, and the next) while letting the grind slowly get to you. So I wanted to take a minute to do that for our teams here at Puget Systems!

Video Memory BSOD

FIXED – Video Memory BSOD Causing Issues in Rendering Workflows

Introduction We have discovered what appears to be a bug within recent Nvidia driver packages that is leading to hard-locks or VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL blue-screens in certain rendering and encoding workflows. Issue When using an affected driver and the graphics card’s VRAM is 100% utilized, systems consistently freeze or blue-screen. So far, our testing has shown that

Corridor Digital Yellow On Black Square Logo

Case Study with Corridor Digital

Corridor Digital is a wildly creative independent production studio based in Los Angeles. Puget Systems has worked with Corridor Digital since 2016, and has since become its sole supplier of custom workstations supporting their amazing work in the content creation space.

How To Create A Docker Container For AMD AOCCv4 Compiler Plus Spack Build Tools

AMD has recently released version 4.0 of their AOCC compiler which includes support for AVX512 on the Zen4 architecture. This post details building a Docker image containing the Spack package manager/build system together with AMD AOCCv4.0.0 compilers. This will be used as the build image for multi-stage Dockerfiles that will be used to compile scientific applications and benchmarks with targeted Zen3/4 optimizations. It is the first step in that process.

blue and green icon of three people

Puget Systems’ 2023 Event Schedule

Happy Holidays! It’s been a very busy year here at Puget Systems and I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on it, share what we’ll be up to in 2023 and where you can find us.  At Puget Systems, one of the things we value most is relationships. There often isn’t a better