Puget Systems is Rated “Elite” on ResellerRatings.com
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Puget Systems is Rated “Elite” on ResellerRatings.com

When making a substantial investment in a new workstation, gaming PC, or high end server you should not underestimate the importance of support and service. Many companies promise to be there when you need them, but they don’t all deliver on that promise when something goes wrong. At Puget Systems, we take pride in customer satisfaction. Websites like ResellerRatings.com use reviews from verified buyers to score businesses, and can be a good indication of how future customers will be treated during and after the sale.

People often ask us how we can compete with much larger companies Dell or HP, and that’s a valid but easy question to answer. We compete by obsessing over our customers, and going to great lengths to ensure that we stand behind every computer we sell. Our rating reflects that commitment to the customer. Go ahead and compare us to any company out there!

We recommend using ResellerRatings to evaluate the customer experience provided by different businesses you may be considering. To compliment RR, we also find the Better Business Bureau to be helpful – and we maintain our own pages with case studies and customer testimonials.